Vol. 45 No. 2-3, June 2019
- Histories of Abolition, Critiques of Security.
- Rebranding Mass Incarceration: The Lippman Commission and Carceral Devolution in New York City.
- Reproducing Disorder: The Effects of Broken Windows Policing on Homeless People with Mental Illness in San Francisco.
- You Have the Right to Remain Violent: Police Academy Curricula and the Facilitation of Police Overreach.
- 'Do We Really Want to Go Down That Path?': Abandoning Appalachia and the Elk River Chemical Spill.
- How Employers Steal from Employees: The Untold Story.
- Echoes of Empire: Excavating the Colonial Roots of Britain's 'War on Gangs'.
- Travis Linnemann, Meth Wars: Police, Media, Power.
- Meth and Cultural Politics.
- Death, Dread, Desire.
- Rural Criminology, Myth, and Meth.
- Apocalypse Now and Forever.
- Sarah Haley, No Mercy Here: Gender; Punishment, and the Making of Jim Crow Modernity.
- Marian E. Schlotterbeck, Beyond the Vanguard: Everyday Revolutionaries in Allende's Chile.
- Alexandra Cox, Trapped in a Vice: The Consequences of Confinement for Young People.