No. 71-3, April 2011
- Death at Sea: A Sad Tale of Disaster, Injustice, and Unnecessary Risk
- Prometheus Unbound: The Gulf Coast Claims Facility as a Means for Resolving Mass Tort Claims?A Fund Too Far
- Liability Under the Oil Pollution Act: Current Law and Needed Revisions
- The BP Spill and the Meaning of 'Gross Negligence or Willful Misconduct
- Time for a New Plan: The LLC Is a Better Option for Estate Planning After Cannon v. Bertrand
- Summers v. Earth Island Institute: Overhauling the Injury-in-Fact Test for Standing to Sue
- Are We Allowing the Thing to Speak for Itself? Linnear v. CenterPoint Energy and Res Ipsa Loquitur in Louisiana