No. 98-3, March 2013
- The Imprisoner's Dilemma: A Cost - Benefit Approach to Incarceration
- Quantitative Model for Measuring Line-Drawing Inequity
- Down-Sizing the 'Little Guy' Myth in Legal Definitions
- A License Is Not a 'Contract Not To Sue': Disentangling Property and Contract in the Law of Copyright Licenses
- Personal Jurisdiction and Choice of Law
- Protecting the Unconvicted: Limiting Iowa's Rights to Public Access in Search of Greater Protection for Criminal Defendants Whose Charges Do Not End in Convictions
- Rehabilitating Tinker: A Modest Proposal To Protect Public-School Students' First Amendment Free Expression Rights in the Digital Age
- Is Cooperation with the EEOC an Implied Requirement for Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies?
- Isn't It Obvious? How Klein's Definition of Analogous Prior Art Conflicts with the Supreme Court's Vision for Obviousness
- Death and Taxes and Zombies
- Joint Tenancies in Iowa Today