No. 87, January 2011
- Blue Books
- Foreword
- Introduction
- Preface
- Combating Terrorists: Legal Challenges in the Post-9/11 World
- Mission Impossible? International Law and the Changing Character of War
- Cyber Attacks as 'Force' under UN Charter Article 2(4)
- Low-Intensity Computer Network Attack and Self-Defense
- Cyber Operations and the Jus in Bello: Key Issues
- Who May Be Held? Military Detention through the Habeas Lens
- The Changing Character of the Participants in War: Civilianization of Warfighting and the Concept of 'Direct Participation in Hostilities
- Direct Participation in Hostilities and the Interoperability of the Law of Armed Conflict and Human Rights Law
- Use of Unmanned Systems to Combat Terrorism
- New Technology and the Law of Armed Conflict
- The Law of Armed Conflict in Asymmetric Urban Armed Conflict
- Lawfare Today...and Tomorrow
- The Age of Lawfare
- Warning Civilians Prior to Attack under International Law: Theory and Practice
- The Changing Character of Public Legal Scrutiny of Operations
- Litigating How We Fight
- Asymmetric Warfare: How to Respond?
- Concluding Remarks: LOAC and Attempts to Abuse or Subvert It
- Appendix: Contributors
- Index