Vol. 25 No. 2, March 1995
- The sleeping giant awakens: PUD No. 1 of Jefferson County v. Washington Department of Ecology.
- Environmental racism claims brought under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.
- An essay on environmental audit privileges: the right problem, the wrong solution.
- Columbia Basin salmon and the courts: reviving the parity promise.
- The history and legislative background of the Northwest Power Act.
- An insider's perspective on Northwest Resource Information Center v. Northwest Power Planning Council.
- Some fallacies about salmon restoration.
- Steering by dicta.
- The Endangered Species Act, the Federal Columbia River Power System, and the National Marine Fisheries Service.
- Idaho's strategy in Idaho Department of Fish & Game v. National Marine Fisheries Service.
- Should the courts run the river?
- The implications of salmon recovery for the Bonneville Power Administration and the region.
- Legal issues shaping salmon's future.
- Panel discussion.
- American Indian reserved water rights: the federal obligation to protect tribal water resources and tribal autonomy.
- Oregon's Senate Bill 61: balancing protection and privatization of cultural resources.
- Problems of punitive damages for political protest and civil disobedience.
- Animal habitats in harm's way.
- FIFRA preemption of common-law tort claims after Cipollone.
- A View of the River.
- Ozone Discourses: Science and Politics in Global Environmental Cooperation.
- Environmental Cooperation in Europe: The Political Dimension.
- River of Promise, River of Peril: The Politics of Managing the Missouri River.