No. III-3, January 2006
- Foreword to the Conference Report: The New York City Housing Court in the 21st Century: Can It Better Address the Problems Before It?
- Conference Report: The New York City Housing Court in the 21st Century: Can It Better Address the Problems Before It?
- Assuring Access to Justice: The Role of the Judge in Assisting Pro Se Litigants in Litigating their Cases in New York City's Housing Court
- Why People Who Face Losing Their Homes in Legal Proceedings Must Have a Right to Counsel
- Protecting the Rights of Litigants With Diminished Capacity in the New York City Housing Courts
- The Housing Court Act (1972) and Computer Technology (2005): How the Ambitious Mission of the Housing Court to Protect the Housing Stock of New York City May Finally be Achieved
- Social Productivity, Law, and the Regulation of Conflicts of Interest in the Investment Industry
- DNA in the Legal System: The Beefits are Clear, the Problems aren't Always
- Citizenship Theories, Immigration and Nationality Act Section 309 & Nguyen v. Ins: How the Supreme Court Got It Wrong
- Chaos in Public Schools: Federal Courts Yield to Students while Administrators And Teachers Struggle to Control the Increasingly Violent and Disorderly Scholastic Environment
- Analyzing Post-Market Boom Jurisprudence in the Second and Ninth Circuits: Has the Pendulum Really Swung too Far in Favor of Plaintiffs?
- Censure the Tree for Its Rotten Apple: Attributing Liability to Parents for the Copyright Infringement of Their Minor Children