Vol. 27 No. 4, September - September 2005
- "To flee from all languages": the gap between language and experience in the works of modern Arab poets.
- Conflicting accounts on the fear of strangers: Muslim and Arab perceptions of Europeans in medieval geographical literature.
- Internal violence: state's role and society's responses.
- Ayalon, Ami. Reading Palestine: Printing and Literacy, 1900-1948.
- Dhaouadi, Mahmoud. At-takhalluf al-Aakhar: 'Awlamat Azamat al-Hawiyyaat ath-Thaqaafiyya fil-Watan al-'Arabi wal-'Aalam ath-Thaaleth-Arabic (The Other Under-development: The Globalization of the Crisis of Cultural Identity in the Arab Homeland and the Third World).
- Nassar, Jamal R. Globalization and Terror: The Migration of Dreams and Nightmares.
- Ryan, Curtis R. Jordan in Transition: From Hussein to Abdullah.
- Books received 2004-2005.