Chapter 17 Property Rights
- Section 17.1 Introduction
- Section 17.2 Nature and Elements
- Section 17.3 Possession
- Section 17.4 Intent
- Section 17.5 Demand for Return
- Section 17.6 Wrongful Assertion of a Right to Possession
- Section 17.7 Property Subject to Conversion
- Section 17.8 Persons Entitled to Sue
- Section 17.9 Persons Liable
- Section 17.10 Abandonment
- Section 17.11 Mistake, Return, or Recovery
- Section 17.12 Presumptions and Burdens of Proof
- Section 17.13 Damages
- Section 17.14 Measure of Damages
- Section 17.15 Interest
- Section 17.16 Mitigation of Damages
- Section 17.17 Exemplary Damages
- Section 17.18 Generally
- Section 17.19 Definition
- Section 17.20 Right to Possession
- Section 17.21 Surrender of Possession
- Section 17.22 Disturbance of Possessor Interest
- Section 17.23 Negligence
- Section 17.24 Necessity of Proving Damages
- Section 17.25 Measure of Damages
- Section 17.26 Statutory Trespass Action
- Section 17.27 Defenses
- Section 17.28 Additional References
- Section 17.29 Generally
- Section 17.30 Intentional Trespass
- Section 17.31 Negligent Trespass
- Section 17.32 Intent in Trespass Actions
- Section 17.33 Actual and Constructive Possession
- Section 17.34 Title to Property Not Required to Maintain Action
- Section 17.35 Rights of Third Parties as Defense
- Section 17.36 Possession as a Defense in Action by Owner
- Section 17.37 Tenant at Will Cannot Maintain Action
- Section 17.38 Entry Without Permission
- Section 17.39 Failure to Act or Failure to Leave
- Section 17.40 Liability for Act of Third Party
- Section 17.41 Trespass Above and Below the Ground
- Section 17.42 Aviation and the Right of Possession
- Section 17.43 Continuing Trespass
- Section 17.44 Mistake
- Section 17.45 Consent
- Section 17.46 Authority
- Section 17.47 Title
- Section 17.48 Necessity of Proving Damages
- Section 17.49 Consequential Damages
- Section 17.50 Measure of Damages
- Section 17.51 Exemplary Damages
- Section 17.52 Landowner Liability to Trespasser
- Section 17.53 Water and Water Rights
- Section 17.54 Riparian Rights
- Section 17.55 Definition
- Section 17.56 Artificial Waterways
- Section 17.57 Lowlands
- Section 17.58 Interference With Quantity or Quality of Flow of a Watercourse
- Section 17.59 Theories of Recovery
- Section 17.60 Defenses
- Section 17.61 Damages
- Section 17.62 Pollution
- Section 17.63 Subterranean and Percolating Waters
- Section 17.64 Surface Water
- Section 17.65 Nuisance Defined
- Section 17.66 Private and Public Nuisance Distinguished
- Section 17.67 Unreasonableness
- Section 17.68 Interest of Public
- Section 17.69 Interest in Land
- Section 17.70 Basis of Liability
- Section 17.71 Nuisance Per Se
- Section 17.72 Interest Invaded
- Section 17.73 Defenses
- Section 17.74 Traditional Tort Defenses
- Section 17.75 Acquiescence
- Section 17.76 Prescriptive Easement
- Section 17.77 Laches
- Section 17.78 Statute of Limitations
- Section 17.79 Coming to the Nuisance
- Section 17.80 Activities of Others
- Section 17.81 Legislative Authority
- Section 17.82 Remedies
- Section 17.83 Damages
- Section 17.84 Punitive Damages
- Section 17.85 Equitable Relief
- Section 17.86 Abatement by Self-Help
- Section 17.87 Waste Historically
- Section 17.88 Elements
- Section 17.89 Injury to the Inheritance
- Section 17.90 Nature of Land and Prior Use
- Section 17.91 Unauthorized Conduct Not Always Waste
- Section 17.92 Privity of Estate
- Section 17.93 Types of Waste
- Section 17.94 Voluntary Waste
- Section 17.95 Meliorating Waste
- Section 17.96 Permissive Waste
- Section 17.97 Equitable Waste
- Section 17.98 Legal Possessor of Land
- Section 17.99 Tenant
- Section 17.100 Tenant’s Agents and Employees
- Section 17.101 Mortgagor and Subsequent Mortgagee
- Section 17.102 Stranger Not Liable
- Section 17.103 Third Parties May Not Be Liable
- Section 17.104 Owner of Fee Not Liable
- Section 17.105 One Cotenant Liable to Other Cotenants
- Section 17.106 Exceptions to Liability
- Section 17.107 Requirement of Vested Future Interest
- Section 17.108 Contingent Remainderperson Has No Action
- Section 17.109 Tenant Has No Action
- Section 17.110 Equitable Remedies for Contingent Remainderperson
- Section 17.111 Equitable Remedies for Life Tenants
- Section 17.112 Rights of "Heirs"
- Section 17.113 Damages
- Section 17.114 Forfeiture
- Section 17.115 Injunction
- Section 17.116 Receivership