Chapter 14 Cancellation, Rescission, and Reformation of Instruments
- Section 1 Generally
- Section 2 Jurisdiction
- Section 3 Generally
- Section 4 Generally
- Section 5 Multiple Counties
- Section 6 Parties
- Section 7 Real Party in Interest
- Section 8 Necessary Parties
- Section 9 Permissive Joinder
- Section 10 Burden of Proof and Standard of Review
- Section 11 Election of Remedies
- Section 12 Grounds and Remedies
- Section 13 Fraud
- Section 14 Proof
- Section 15 Direct Fraud
- Section 16 Constructive Fraud
- Section 17 Presumption of Fraud
- Section 18 Breach of Contract and Default in Performance
- Section 19 Conditions Precedent to Rescission
- Section 20 Partial Rescission
- Section 21 Waiver and Estoppel
- Section 22 Failure of Consideration
- Section 23 Inadequacy of Consideration
- Section 24 Undue Influence
- Section 25 Force, Coercion, or Overpersuasion
- Section 26 Confidential Relationship Plus Influence
- Section 27 Mistake of Fact
- Section 28 Special Considerations and Defenses
- Section 29 Tender
- Section 30 Laches
- Section 31 Bona Fide Purchaser
- Section 32 Generally
- Section 33 Proof
- Section 34 Parties
- Section 35 Grounds for Reformation
- Section 36 Mutual Mistake of Fact
- Section 37 Prior Agreement
- Section 38 Mutuality of Mistake
- Section 39 Unilateral Mistake
- Section 40 Negligence and Laches
- Section 41 Mistake as to Law
- Section 42 Fraud
- Section 43 Subsequent Conduct
- Section 44 Bona Fide Purchaser
- Section 45 Limitations