Part One Arbitration
- I. Introduction
- II. Arbitration Agreement
- A. Basic Agreement
- B. Choice/Conflict-Of-Law Issues
- C. Selection of the Arbitrator(S)
- III. Enforceability of Arbitration Agreements
- A. Punitive Damages
- B. Fraud Or Duress
- C. Waiver
- D. Statute of Limitations
- E. Class Action Arbitration
- lV. Arbitration Procedure
- A. Service of Notice
- B. Right To Seek Stay
- V. Application For Stay
- A. Grounds and Procedure
- B. Venue and Consolidation
- VI. Hearing Procedures
- A. Rights of Parties
- B. Powers of the Arbitrator
- VII. Procedure After Decision Is Rendered
- A. Modification of Award By Arbitrator
- B. Vacating Or Modifying Award By the Court
- C. Confirmation of the Award
- VIII. Judgment on the Award
- lX. Attorney-Client Fee Disputes
- A. Amendment of Documents
- B. Procedure
- C. Arbitration Hearings
- D. De Novo Review
- Arbitration—Index of Forms