No. 76-1, March 2023
- A Double-Edge Sword? Mass Media and Nonviolent Dissent in Autocracies
- Announcements
- Asking the Right Questions: A Framework for Developing Gender-Balanced Political Knowledge Batteries
- Between Two Fires: The Institutional and Public Constraints to Unilateral Policy Change
- Detecting Diverse Perspectives: Using Text Analytics to Reveal Sex Differences in Congressional Debate About Defense
- Does Familiarity Breed Esteem? A Field Experiment on Emergent Attitudes Toward Members of Congress
- Domesticity and Political Participation: At Home with the Jacobin Women
- Evaluating the Unequal Economy: Poverty Risk, Economic Indicators, and the Perception Gap
- Explaining Perceptions of Climate Change in the US
- Finding the missing link? The impact of co-ethnicity, pan-ethnicity, and cross-ethnicity on Latino vote choice
- Freedom and the Machine: Technological Criticisms in Adam Smith’s Thought
- Gender Bias in Policy Representation in Post-Conflict Societies
- Guardians of Democracy or Passive Bystanders? A Conjoint Experiment on Elite Transgressions of Democratic Norms
- How Wide is the Arc of Racial Solidarity? People of Color and Middle Easterners and North Africans
- Imperative Patriotism and Minority Candidacies: Examining the Role of Military Status in Racial Evaluations of South Asian Candidates
- Inclusivity and Decentralisation of Candidate Selectorates: Factional Consequences for Centre-Left Parties in England, Germany, and the United States
- Interbranch Warfare: Senate Amending Process and Restrictive House Rules
- John Locke: The “Jocose Problem” and the Theoretical Foundation of Toleration
- Laboratories of Politics: There is Bottom-up Diffusion of Policy Attention in the American Federal System
- Mavericks or Loyalists? Popular Ballot Jumpers and Party Discipline in the Flexible-List PR Context
- More than Mere Access: An Experiment on Moneyed Interests, Information Provision, and Legislative Action in Congress
- Political Hearings Reinforce Legal Norms: Confirmation Hearings and Views of the United States Supreme Court
- Priming Norms to Combat Affective Polarization
- Selling them Short? Differences in News Coverage of Female and Male Candidate Qualifications
- Shaming in a Shameless World: The Broken Dialectic of the Self
- The Desperate Radicalism of Orwell’s 1984: Power, Socialism, and Utopia in Dystopian Times
- The Impact of Racial Representation on Judicial Legitimacy: White Reactions to Latinos on the Bench
- Understanding the Factors that Affect the Incidence of Bellwether Counties: A Conditional Probability Model
- US Sanctions and Foreign Lobbying of the US Government
- Value Disagreement and Partisan Sorting in the American Mass Public
- When Bad News Becomes Routine: Slowly-Developing Problems Moderate Government Responsiveness
- You Think; Therefore I Am: Gender Schemas and Context in Oral Arguments at the Supreme Court, 1979–2016
- Youth Advantage Versus Gender Penalty: Selecting and Electing Young Candidates
- Youthfulness and Legislation: Rousseau on the Constituent Moment
- A Double-Edge Sword? Mass Media and Nonviolent Dissent in Autocracies
- Announcements
- Asking the Right Questions: A Framework for Developing Gender-Balanced Political Knowledge Batteries
- Between Two Fires: The Institutional and Public Constraints to Unilateral Policy Change
- Detecting Diverse Perspectives: Using Text Analytics to Reveal Sex Differences in Congressional Debate About Defense
- Does Familiarity Breed Esteem? A Field Experiment on Emergent Attitudes Toward Members of Congress
- Domesticity and Political Participation: At Home with the Jacobin Women
- Evaluating the Unequal Economy: Poverty Risk, Economic Indicators, and the Perception Gap
- Explaining Perceptions of Climate Change in the US
- Finding the missing link? The impact of co-ethnicity, pan-ethnicity, and cross-ethnicity on Latino vote choice
- Freedom and the Machine: Technological Criticisms in Adam Smith’s Thought
- Gender Bias in Policy Representation in Post-Conflict Societies
- Guardians of Democracy or Passive Bystanders? A Conjoint Experiment on Elite Transgressions of Democratic Norms
- How Wide is the Arc of Racial Solidarity? People of Color and Middle Easterners and North Africans
- Imperative Patriotism and Minority Candidacies: Examining the Role of Military Status in Racial Evaluations of South Asian Candidates
- Inclusivity and Decentralisation of Candidate Selectorates: Factional Consequences for Centre-Left Parties in England, Germany, and the United States
- Interbranch Warfare: Senate Amending Process and Restrictive House Rules
- John Locke: The “Jocose Problem” and the Theoretical Foundation of Toleration
- Laboratories of Politics: There is Bottom-up Diffusion of Policy Attention in the American Federal System
- Mavericks or Loyalists? Popular Ballot Jumpers and Party Discipline in the Flexible-List PR Context
- More than Mere Access: An Experiment on Moneyed Interests, Information Provision, and Legislative Action in Congress
- Political Hearings Reinforce Legal Norms: Confirmation Hearings and Views of the United States Supreme Court
- Priming Norms to Combat Affective Polarization
- Selling them Short? Differences in News Coverage of Female and Male Candidate Qualifications
- Shaming in a Shameless World: The Broken Dialectic of the Self
- The Desperate Radicalism of Orwell’s 1984: Power, Socialism, and Utopia in Dystopian Times
- The Impact of Racial Representation on Judicial Legitimacy: White Reactions to Latinos on the Bench
- Understanding the Factors that Affect the Incidence of Bellwether Counties: A Conditional Probability Model
- US Sanctions and Foreign Lobbying of the US Government
- Value Disagreement and Partisan Sorting in the American Mass Public
- When Bad News Becomes Routine: Slowly-Developing Problems Moderate Government Responsiveness
- You Think; Therefore I Am: Gender Schemas and Context in Oral Arguments at the Supreme Court, 1979–2016
- Youth Advantage Versus Gender Penalty: Selecting and Electing Young Candidates
- Youthfulness and Legislation: Rousseau on the Constituent Moment