No. 74-1, March 2021
- Announcements
- Call for Editors: Political Research Quarterly (2022-2026)
- Can Celebrities Set the Agenda?
- Constituent Approval and Presidential Support: The Mediating Effect of Party and Chamber
- Discursive Inequity and the Internal Exclusion of Women Speakers
- Donor Competition and Public Support for Foreign Aid Sanctions
- Driving a Wedge? Republicans, Immigration, and the Impact of Substantive Appeals on African American Vote Choice
- Economic Perception to Political Performance Evaluation: Establishing Precursors to Economic Voting in Africa
- Education and the Curious Case of Conservative Compromise
- Executive Turnover and the Investigation of Former Leaders in New Democracies
- Guns, Butter, and Growth: The Consequences of Military Spending Reconsidered
- Inequality Federalism and Economic Self-Interest in Subnational Progressive Tax Politics
- Is the Bridge Broken? Increasing Ethnic Attachments and Declining Party Influence among Latino Voters
- Rightward Leanings and Nonstandard Party-Position Perceptions
- Status Incongruity and Backlash against Female Legislators: How Legislative Speechmaking Benefits Men, but Harms Women
- The Policy Consequences of Health Bias in Political Voice
- The Power of the Party: Conflict Expansion and the Agenda Diversity of Interest Groups
- TRENDS: A Red Flag for Participation: The Influence of Chinese Mainlandization on Political Behavior in Hong Kong
- TRENDS: The Supreme Court’s (Surprising?) Indifference to Public Opinion