No. 73-1, March 2020
- A Failsafe for Voters? Cast and Rejected Provisional Ballots in North Carolina
- Announcements
- Augustine and Contemporary Republicanism: On Speech as Domination
- Choosing the Less Convenient Way to Vote: An Anomaly in Vote by Mail Elections
- Deep Determinants of Corruption? A Subnational Analysis of Resource Curse Dynamics in American States
- Diversity and Minority Interest Group Advocacy in Congress
- Elevation Potential among Circuit Court Nominees and Its Effect on the Senate’s Confirmation Behavior
- Gender and Foreign Policy: Are Female Members of Congress More Dovish than Their Male Colleagues?
- Information, Political Bias, and Public Perceptions of Local Conditions in U.S. Cities
- Linking Gender, Language, and Partisanship: Developing a Database of Masculine and Feminine Words
- Nationalization and the Incumbency Advantage
- Nietzsche, Agonistic Politics, and Spiritual Enmity
- Political Discussion Networks and Political Engagement among Voters of Color
- Political Realism as Anti-scholastic Practice: Methodological Lessons from Muckraking Journalism
- Rousseau’s Observations on Inequality and the Causes of Moral Corruption
- Standing in a Crowded Room: Exploring the Relation between Interest Group System Density and Access to Policymakers
- Straying from the Flock? A Look at How Americans’ Gender and Religious Identities Cross-Pressure Partisanship
- TRENDS: How Internet Search Undermines the Validity of Political Knowledge Measures