FNREL - Journals
- A Common-Sense Interp. of the Phrase Throughout All or a Significant Portion of its Range (FNREL)
- Acknowledgement Law - A Compendium (FNREL)
- American Law and Jurisprudence on Fracking (FNREL)
- Anadarko Frederick Compressor Station - Source Determinations for the Oil & Nat. Gas Indus. (FNREL)
- Canada Strengthens Its Laws Against Bribery of Foreign Public Officials (FNREL)
- CBM Legal Issues - the Western U.S.A. and Canada (FNREL)
- Changes to National Instrument NI 43-101- Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (FNREL)
- Climate Change and the National Environmental Policy Act (FNREL)
- Comment on Race, Ethnicity, and Natural Resources in the United States a Review (FNREL)
- Competitive Renewable Energy Zones - How the Tex. Wind Indus. is Cracking the Chicken . . . (FNREL)
- Complying With and Litigating Under the New Mexico Surface Owners Protection Act (FNREL)
- Conducting Mining Activities in Peru - General Legal Framework and Investor Incentives (FNREL)
- Conflicting Easements (FNREL)
- Contractual Royalties as an Alternative Financing Mechanism for the Mining Industry (FNREL)
- Documenting the Exploration Venture (FNREL)
- Domestic Gas Taps Revisited: The Evolution of Concern and Complexity (FNREL)
- Efforts To Streamline Permitting Of Geothermal Projects In The United States (FNREL)
- Fed. Overriding Royalty Litig. (FNREL)
- Federal Mining Law Revision in the 21st Century - A Lawyer's Commentary (FNREL)
- Financing of Mining Exploration- Canadian Tax Incentives (FNREL)
- Financing U.S. Oil and Gas Operations in 2021 (FNREL)
- History of Can. Pub. Lands & Pub. Land Law (FNREL)
- Horizontal Drafting (FNREL)
- Hydraulic Fracturing as a Subsurface Trespass - Will Texas Precedent Lead the Way (FNREL)
- I Drink Your Milkshake - The Status of Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation in the Wake of Coastal v. Garza (FNREL)
- Legal Developments in 2004 Affecting the Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Industry (FNREL)
- Legal Developments in 2005 Affecting the Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Industry (FNREL)
- Legal Developments in 2006 Affecting the Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Industry (FNREL)
- Legal Developments in 2007 Affecting the Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Industry (FNREL)
- Legal Developments in 2008 Affecting the Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Industry (FNREL)
- Legal Developments in 2009 Affecting the Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Industry (FNREL)
- Legal Developments in 2010 Affecting the Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Industry (FNREL)
- Legal Developments in 2011 Affecting the Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Industry (FNREL)
- Legal Developments in 2012 Affecting the Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Industry (FNREL)
- Legal Developments in 2013 Affecting the Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Industry (FNREL)
- Legal Developments in 2014 Affecting the Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Industry (FNREL)
- Legal Developments in 2015 Affecting the Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Industry (FNREL)
- Legal Developments in 2016 Affecting the Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Industry (FNREL)
- Legal Developments In 2017 Affecting The Oil And Gas Exploration And Production Industry (FNREL)
- Lessee's Continuing Liability Following Assignment of Federal Onshore Leases (FNREL)
- Local Regul. of Oil & Gas Ops. - Don't All Homeowners Want a Pumpjack in Their Backyard (FNREL)
- Managing Hotspots in Wildfire Risk at Public Lands Ski Areas (FNREL)
- Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves - The Case for International Reporting Standards (FNREL)
- Nat'l Assoc. of Homebuilders v. Defenders of Wildlife (FNREL)
- Now Is It a Mineral The Supreme Court Takes Another Look at Sand and Gravel (FNREL)
- Oil & Gas Royalty Reporting Standards in the Major Producing States (FNREL)
- Oil & Gas Update - Legal Devs. in 2018 Affecting the Oil & Gas Expl. & Prod. Indus. (FNREL)
- Oil & Gas Update - Legal Devs. in 2019 Affecting the Oil & Gas Expl. & Prod. Indus. (FNREL)
- Oil & Gas Update - Legal Devs. in 2020 Affecting the Oil & Gas Expl. & Prod. Indus. (FNREL)
- Oil & Gas Update - Legal Devs. in 2021 Affecting the Oil & Gas Expl. & Prod. Indus. (FNREL)
- Oil & Gas Update - Legal Devs. in 2022 Affecting the Oil & Gas Expl. & Prod. Indus. (FNREL)
- On Shaky Ground - Commercial General Liability Coverage for Injection-Induced Seismicity (FNREL)
- Practice Before the Departmental Cases Hearings Div., Office of Hearings & Appeals (FNREL)
- Ready! Fire! Aim! Two Drafting Traps to Avoid in Papering a "Rush" Deal (FNREL)
- Recent Developments with Split Estates (FNREL)
- Recommended Changes in the Dep't of the Interior's Oil & Gas Royalty Mgmt. Program (FNREL)
- Responsible Mercury Management Post-MEBA (FNREL)
- Restoring Our Lands - Good Samaritans in the Wake of Gold King (FNREL)
- Royalty Structures for the Mining "Super Cycle" (FNREL)
- Sci. Mediation & Serious Gaming (FNREL)
- Self or Affiliate Gas Processing - Howell v. Texaco, Inc. (FNREL)
- Should Nonoperators Conduct Environmental Audits in the Wake of Deepwater Horizon (FNREL)
- Solar Lease Negotiations from the Landowner's Perspective (FNREL)
- Status Check - Assessing Interior's Implementation of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (FNREL)
- Texas's Surface Rights, Mineral Rights and Lyle v. Midway Solar, LLC (FNREL)
- The Circle of CERCLA or is the Silver Tarnished (FNREL)
- The Legal Framework for Analyzing Multiple Surface Use Issues (FNREL)
- The Public Trust Doctrine & Env't Rights Initiatives (FNREL)
- The Purposeful Tension Within the Doctrine of Beneficial Use (FNREL)
- The Role of Climate on Water Institutions in the Western Americas (FNREL)
- The Ruggie Principles on Business and Human Rights - How Companies Can Prepare (FNREL)
- The Supreme Court's SUWA Decision - More Than Another Lujan (FNREL)
- The Wyoming Split Estates Act (FNREL)
- Time to Stand Up: Elevating Human Rights in Joint Venture Legal Agreements (FNREL)
- To Cyanide or Not to Cyanide: Some Argentinean Provinces Banned Use of Cyanide in . . . (FNREL)
- Understanding Streaming Agreements & Royalty Agreements (FNREL)
- Waiving Sovereign Immunity Grows Trickier (FNREL)