Strategic outlook.

PositionRESOURCES - Website overview

Your ability to stay at the forefront of the market requires being able to take a strategic look ahead at the latest trends across a broad landscape. These four reports for 2017 help set the strategic direction for creating award-winning work in the areas of legal marketing and business development in the years ahead.

  1. Marketing

    From the future of mobile apps for brands to the role of augmented reality, Gartner offers a look at five trends that will change how marketers operate in 2017. gartner-predicts-2017-marketers-expect-the-unexpected/

  2. Technology

    Artificial intelligence and digital ecosystems highlight this technology outlook from Accenture.

  3. Legal

    A new report from the Center for the Study of the Legal Profession at the Georgetown University Law Center and Thomson Reuters Legal Executive Institute defines...

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