Retirement remains Americans' top financial concern.


Almost 40% of working Americans say they will never afford retirement, which, for the second year in a row, ranks as the nation's most important financial concern, according to a telephone survey conducted for the AICPA by Harris Interactive.

More than half of working adults, 55%, say they don't know how much they need to save to retire, according to the survey. Many who think they know are likely off in their projections. Asked to estimate how much they needed to retire at age 65 and live for 20 years, those earning $50,000 to $75,000 annually said $250,000, at the median. Assuming inflation and annual expenses of $50,000, that amount of savings likely would run out in less than 10 years.

"These statistics suggest we are on the verge of a retirement crisis in America," said Jordan Amin, chairman of the National CPA Financial Literacy Commission. "Americans don't know how to prepare for their twilight years, and many have put off figuring it out because they're struggling to make ends meet now."

Indeed, higher gas and food prices in particular are taking a toll on family budgets, according to the survey of 1,005 adults. Six in 10 Americans have changed their behavior to offset rising gas prices, according to the survey. And 48% have made...

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