OSCPA Career Center: unemployment assurance during uncertain times: OSCPA members facing employment uncertainty or a layoff can access the OSCPA Career Center for practical career information and help making connections with potential employers.


At the Career Center, job seekers can set up a personal account, request an e-mail update of new or updated job listings and post their resume at no charge.

Employers seeking help can post online classified ads at a discount in the Career Center. In addition, there are advertising opportunities in Catalyst, on the Society's Web site and in various electronic publications. For employers wishing to make connections at live events, there are numerous exhibit and sponsorship opportunities at OSCPA seminars and conferences. Job seekers often attend OSCPA events to not only continue their professional education and fulfill their CPE requirements, but to network with other professionals. To find out more about advertising and sponsorship opportunities, contact Denise Ison-Miller, manager of strategic relationships, at dmiller@ohio-cpa.com.


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